Healey, Phyllis M. 1964

Healey, Phyllis M. 1964. Teleéfoól quotative clauses. (3.) Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications A. Canberra. 27-34pp.

  author                = {Healey, Phyllis M.},
  journal               = {Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications A},
  pages                 = {27-34},
  publisher             = {Canberra},
  title                 = {Teleéfoól quotative clauses},
  volume                = {3},
  year                  = {1964},
  country               = {Papua New Guinea [PG]},
  document_type         = {CH},
  inlg                  = {English [eng]},
  lgcode                = {Telefol [tlf]},
  macro_area            = {Papunesia},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {bound with PL 6601 PAP NEW - 1},
  sil_id                = {11069},
  src                   = {mpieva, sil16},
  subject               = {Reported speech [RSP]}