Thomas R. Phinnemore 1985

Phinnemore, Thomas R. 1985. Ono phonology and morphophonemics. In PNGL 22:173-214, PL A-63 Pike, Kenneth L., and Graham K. SCOTT, 1963. Pitch accent and non-accented phrases in Fore (New Guinea), Zeitschrift für Phonetik. Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung 16. 179-89.

  author     = {Thomas R. Phinnemore},
  journal    = {Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung},
  pages      = {179-89},
  title      = {Ono phonology and morphophonemics. In PNGL 22:173-214, PL A-63 Pike, Kenneth L., and Graham K. SCOTT, 1963. Pitch accent and non-accented phrases in Fore (New Guinea), Zeitschrift für Phonetik},
  volume     = {16},
  year       = {1985},
  hhtype     = {phonology (computerized assignment from "phonology;phonetik")},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  lgcode     = {Ono [ons] (computerized assignment from "ono")},
  macro_area = {Papua},
  src        = {silpng}