Joyce Swick 1966

Swick, Joyce. 1966. Chuave phonological hierarchy, LCCP A-7:33-48 Thomas, David, and Alan HEALEY, 1962. Some Philippine language subgroupings: A lexicostatistical study. AnL 4(9). 21-33.

  author     = {Joyce Swick},
  journal    = {AnL},
  number     = {9},
  pages      = {21-33},
  title      = {Chuave phonological hierarchy, LCCP A-7:33-48 Thomas, David, and Alan HEALEY, 1962. Some Philippine language subgroupings: A lexicostatistical study},
  volume     = {4},
  year       = {1966},
  hhtype     = {phonology (computerized assignment from "phonological")},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  lgcode     = {Chuave [cjv] (computerized assignment from "chuave")},
  macro_area = {Papua},
  src        = {silpng}