McELHANON, K. A. 1970

McELHANON, K. A. 1970. Stops And Fricatives: Non-Unique Solution In Selepet. Linguistics 8(60). 49-62. doi: 10.1515/ling.1970.8.60.49. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter.

  address        = {Berlin, New York},
  author         = {McELHANON, K. A.},
  journal        = {Linguistics},
  number         = {60},
  pages          = {49-62},
  publisher      = {Walter de Gruyter},
  title          = {Stops And Fricatives: Non-Unique Solution In Selepet},
  url            = {},
  volume         = {8},
  year           = {1970},
  citekeys       = {cldf1:McElhanon-1970c},
  country        = {Papua New Guinea [PG]},
  doi            = {10.1515/ling.1970.8.60.49},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  iso_code       = {spl},
  isreferencedby = {cldf1},
  issn           = {0024-3949},
  keywords       = {Selepet},
  lgcode         = {[sele1250]},
  macro_area     = {Papunesia},
  olac_field     = {phonology; typology; phonetics; general_linguistics},
  refdb_id       = {},
  sil_id         = {11630},
  src            = {cldf, degruyter, phoible, sil16, silpng},
  subject        = {Consonants [CON]},
  wals_code      = {slp},
  wals_ref_name  = {McElhanon 1970c}