David Glasgow and Harland B. Kerr and Richard Loving 1964

Glasgow, David, Harland B. Kerr & Richard Loving. 1964. Languages of the Maprik Sub-District. Port Moresby: Department of Information and Extension Services. 16pp. (+ map).

  address    = {Port Moresby},
  author     = {David Glasgow and Harland B. Kerr and Richard Loving},
  note       = {+ map},
  pages      = {16},
  publisher  = {Department of Information and Extension Services},
  title      = {Languages of the Maprik Sub-District},
  year       = {1964},
  hhtype     = {comparative (computerized assignment from "languages")},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  lgcode     = {Ambulas [abt] (computerized assignment from "maprik")},
  macro_area = {Papua},
  src        = {silpng}