Huestis, George 1963

Huestis, George. 1963. Bororo clause structure. International Journal of American Linguistics 29(3). 230-238. doi: 10.1086/464739.

  address            = {Baltimore},
  author             = {Huestis, George},
  journal            = {International Journal of American Linguistics},
  number             = {3},
  pages              = {230-238},
  title              = {Bororo clause structure},
  volume             = {29},
  year               = {1963},
  bestfn             = {south_america\huestis_clause1963_o.pdf},
  besttxt            = {ptxt2\south_america\huestis_clause1963_o.txt},
  citekeys           = {cldf1:Huestis-1963 cldf9:af92d8011d35e4db0468b9884479b551},
  country            = {Brazil [BR]},
  doi                = {10.1086/464739},
  fn                 = {south_america\huestis_clause1963.pdf, south_america\huestis_clause1963_o.pdf, south_america\huestis _clause1963.pdf},
  guldemann_location = {TG /// Berlin Iberoamerikanisches Institut III ge 290;29,3 4},
  hhtype             = {specific_feature},
  inlg               = {English [eng]},
  iso_code           = {bor},
  isreferencedby     = {cldf1 cldf9},
  lgcode             = {Borôro [bor]},
  macro_area         = {South America},
  olac_field         = {semantics; general_linguistics; typology; morphology; syntax},
  sil_id             = {11171},
  src                = {cldf, fabreall2009ann, guldemann, hh, sil16},
  subject            = {Clauses [CLS]},
  wals_code          = {brr},
  wals_ref_name      = {Huestis 1963}