Pickett, V. B. 1955

Pickett, V. B. 1955. Isthmus Zapotec Verb Analysis II. International Journal of American Linguistics 21(3). 217-232. doi: 10.1086/464336.

  author              = {Pickett, V. B.},
  journal             = {International Journal of American Linguistics},
  number              = {3},
  pages               = {217-232},
  title               = {Isthmus Zapotec Verb Analysis II},
  volume              = {21},
  year                = {1955},
  citekeys            = {glossa5398:B39},
  country             = {Mexico [MX]},
  doi                 = {10.1086/464336},
  hhtype              = {specific_feature (computerized assignment from "verb")},
  isreferencedby      = {glossa5398},
  lgcode              = {Isthmus Zapotec [zai]},
  macro_area          = {North America},
  omnote              = {[zapoteco de Juchitán]* (Tesis de maestría)},
  otomanguean_heading = {Zapotec},
  sil_id              = {11926},
  src                 = {glossa, otomanguean, sil16},
  subject             = {Verbs [VST]}