McMahon, Ambrose 1967

McMahon, Ambrose. 1967. Phonemes and phonemic units of Cora (Mexico). International Journal of American Linguistics 33(2). 128-134. doi: 10.1086/464950.

  author         = {McMahon, Ambrose},
  journal        = {International Journal of American Linguistics},
  number         = {2},
  pages          = {128-134},
  title          = {Phonemes and phonemic units of Cora (Mexico)},
  volume         = {33},
  year           = {1967},
  bestfn         = {north_america\mcmahon_cora1967_o.pdf},
  besttxt        = {ptxt\north_america\mcmahon_cora1967.txt},
  citekeys       = {cldf1:McMahon-1967},
  country        = {Mexico [MX]},
  doi            = {10.1086/464950},
  fn             = {north_america\mcmahon_cora1967.pdf, north_america\mcmahon_cora1967_o.pdf, north_america\mcmahon _units1967.pdf},
  hhtype         = {phonology},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  iso_code       = {crn},
  isreferencedby = {cldf1},
  lgcode         = {El Nayar Cora [crn]},
  macro_area     = {North America},
  olac_field     = {typology; phonology; general_linguistics; phonetics},
  sil_id         = {11691},
  src            = {cldf, hh, langsci, sil16},
  subject        = {Phonological descriptions [PHD]},
  wals_code      = {cor},
  wals_ref_name  = {McMahon 1967}