Boxwell, H. and Boxwell, M. 1966

Boxwell, H. & M. Boxwell. 1966. Weri Phonemes. In Wurm, S. A. (ed.), Papers in New Guinea Linguistics 5, 77-93. Canberra: Australian National University.

  address               = {Canberra},
  author                = {Boxwell, H. and Boxwell, M.},
  booktitle             = {Papers in New Guinea Linguistics 5},
  editor                = {Wurm, S. A.},
  journal               = {Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications A},
  pages                 = {77-93},
  publisher             = {Australian National University},
  series                = {Linguistic Circle of Canberra Publications A},
  title                 = {Weri Phonemes},
  volume                = {7},
  year                  = {1966},
  citekeys              = {cldf1:Boxwell-and-Boxwell-1966},
  country               = {Papua New Guinea [PG]},
  document_type         = {CH},
  hhtype                = {phonology (computerized assignment from "phonemes")},
  inlg                  = {English [eng]},
  iso_code              = {wer},
  isreferencedby        = {cldf1},
  lgcode                = {[weri1253]},
  macro_area            = {Papunesia},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {bound with PL 6601 PAP NEW - 5},
  olac_field            = {general_linguistics; phonology; typology; phonetics},
  sil_id                = {10301},
  src                   = {cldf, mpieva, sil16, silpng},
  subject               = {Phonological descriptions [PHD]},
  wals_code             = {wer},
  wals_ref_name         = {Boxwell and Boxwell 1966}