Frantz, Donald G. 1973

Frantz, Donald G. 1973. Three incompatible hypotheses: Evidence from Blackfoot. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 18. 7-14.

  author     = {Frantz, Donald G.},
  journal    = {Canadian Journal of Linguistics},
  pages      = {7-14},
  title      = {Three incompatible hypotheses: Evidence from Blackfoot},
  volume     = {18},
  year       = {1973},
  country    = {Canada [CA]},
  hhtype     = {comparative (computerized assignment from "evidence")},
  lgcode     = {Siksika [bla]},
  macro_area = {North America},
  sil_id     = {10761},
  src        = {sil16},
  subject    = {Transformational grammar [TGR]}


Name in source Glottolog languoid