Search languages, families, and dialects

Name (primary or alternative)
ISO 639-3
Glottocode Name Family
abru1239 Abruzzese-Calabrian-Molisean Romani Indo-European
achi1257 Acehnese Austronesian
adae1234 Adaeseño Spanish Indo-European
algh1238 Algherese Indo-European
alor1247 Alorese Austronesian
ambo1250 Ambonese Malay Austronesian
aniz1234 Anizah of the Syrian desert Afro-Asiatic
fada1250 Annobonese Indo-European
arag1245 Aragonese Indo-European
arak1256 Arakanese Bookkeeping
arak1255 Arakanese-Marma Sino-Tibetan
aran1260 Aranese Indo-European
assa1263 Assamese Indo-European
assa1271 Assamese-based pidgin Pidgin
astu1245 Asturian-Leonese-Cantabrian Indo-European
astu1244 Asturo-Leonese Indo-European
baca1243 Bacanese Malay Austronesian
bali1278 Balinese Austronesian
bali1279 Balinese Malay Austronesian
band1354 Banda-Geser Austronesian
band1361 Bandung Sundanese Austronesian
bant1285 Banten (Sundanese) Austronesian
bant1291 Banten (West Javanese) Austronesian
bant1299 Bantu Layer Lower Guinea Portuguese Indo-European
base1242 Basese Atlantic-Congo
bern1242 Bernese Indo-European
bese1241 Besembo Atlantic-Congo
bese1242 Besep Atlantic-Congo
bese1243 Besermyan Uralic
bhut1234 Bhutanese Sign Language Sign Language
bino1239 Binong Sundanese Austronesian
braz1246 Brazilian Portuguese Indo-European
braz1247 Brazil-Portugal Portuguese Indo-European
bugi1244 Buginese Austronesian
nucl1310 Burmese Sino-Tibetan
byep1241 Byep-Besep Atlantic-Congo
meri1242 Campidanese Meridionale Indo-European
camp1261 Campidanese Sardinian Indo-European
cant1236 Cantonese Sino-Tibetan
carg1238 Cargese Indo-European
cari1276 Caribbean Javanese Austronesian
carn1240 Car Nicobarese Austroasiatic
cent1317 Central Aragonese Indo-European
cent1961 Central Campidanese Indo-European
kamb1320 Central-East Sumbanese Austronesian
cent2331 Central Javanese Austronesian
cent1990 Central Nicobarese Austroasiatic
cent2307 Central Sumbanese Austronesian
cent1988 Central Vietnamese Austroasiatic
chin1253 Chinese Pidgin English Pidgin
kjac1234 Chinese Pidgin Russian Pidgin
chin1283 Chinese Sign Language Sign Language
chuu1238 Chuukese Austronesian
cire1240 Cirebon Javanese Austronesian
cire1241 Cirebon Sundanese Austronesian
lite1248 Classical Chinese Sino-Tibetan
comm1247 Common Chinese Sino-Tibetan
dama1278 Daman-Diu Portuguese Indo-European
deaa1243 Dea (Ese) Koiarian
deng1250 Dengese Atlantic-Congo
dese1235 Desert Cahuilla Uto-Aztecan
dese1234 Desert Nyungic Pama-Nyungan
dode1238 Dodecanese Indo-European
east2273 Eastern Aragonese Indo-European
east2526 Eastern Japanese Japonic
east1470 Eastern Low Navarrese Basque
east2487 East Javanese Austronesian
east2509 East Mese Nuclear Trans New Guinea
efat1235 Efatese Artificial Language
sate1242 Ems-Weser Frisian Indo-European
esee1247 Ese Koiarian
esee1246 Ese (Arigidi) Atlantic-Congo
esee1248 Ese Ejja Pano-Tacanan
esel1238 Esel Atlantic-Congo
faro1244 Faroese Indo-European
gali1257 Galician Portuguese Indo-European
gall1276 Gallurese Sardinian Indo-European
ganc1239 Gan Chinese Sino-Tibetan
gard1241 Gardenese Indo-European
geno1240 Genoese Indo-European
gese1240 Geser-Gorom Austronesian
gese1241 Geser-Gorom-Bati Austronesian
gilb1244 Gilbertese Austronesian
glob1245 Global Javanese Austronesian
grea1241 Great Andamanese
guia1246 Guianese Creole French Indo-European
creo1235 Guyanese Creole English Indo-European
guya1254 Guyanese Lokono Arawakan
guya1255 Guyanese Warao Warao
hakk1236 Hakka Chinese Sino-Tibetan
high1267 High Piemontese Indo-European
huiz1242 Hui Chinese Sino-Tibetan
icel1246 Icelandic-Faroese Indo-European
indo1331 Indo-Pakistani-Nepalese Sign Sign Language
indr1249 Indramayu Sundanese Austronesian
ines1240 Ineseño Chumashan
nucl1643 Japanese Japonic
japa1257 Japanese-based pidgin Pidgin
japa1238 Japanese Sign Language Sign Language
japa1258 Japan-Taiwan Japanese Japonic
java1254 Javanese Austronesian
jiny1235 Jinyu Chinese Sino-Tibetan
kara1518 Karawang Sundanese Austronesian
kese1237 Kesen Japonic
khot1251 Khotanese Indo-European
korl1238 Korlai Portuguese Indo-European
kuni1271 Kuningan Sundanese Austronesian
kunm1234 Kunming Chinese Sino-Tibetan
kwes1244 Kwese Atlantic-Congo
pini1245 Lake Carnegie Western Desert Pama-Nyungan
lank1242 Lankpese Atlantic-Congo
late1251 Late Han Chinese Sino-Tibetan
leon1250 Leonese Indo-European
lese1243 Lese Central Sudanic
lese1245 Leseic Central Sudanic
lese1244 Lese Karo Central Sudanic
limo1249 Limonese Creole Indo-European
livi1241 Livinallese Indo-European
logu1236 Logudorese Sardinian Indo-European
lolo1265 Lolo-Burmese Sino-Tibetan
lowe1440 Lower Guinea Portuguese Indo-European
lowp1238 Low Piemontese Indo-European
luse1250 Lusernese Cimbrian Indo-European
maca1262 Macanese Indo-European
maca1264 Macao Pidgin Portuguese Pidgin
macr1272 Macro-Portuguese Indo-European
nucl1460 Madurese Austronesian
maja1243 Majalengka Sundanese Austronesian
mala1544 Malabar-Sri Lanka Portuguese Indo-European
mala1533 Malacca-Batavia Portuguese Creole Indo-European
malt1254 Maltese Afro-Asiatic
malt1247 Maltese English Indo-European
malt1238 Maltese Sign Language Sign Language
mand1415 Mandarin Chinese Sino-Tibetan
mani1304 Maniot-Cargese Greek Indo-European
mars1254 Marshallese Austronesian
mese1244 Mese Nuclear Trans New Guinea
mese1245 Mesekol Nuclear Trans New Guinea
mess1247 Messinese Indo-European
midd1344 Middle Chinese Sino-Tibetan
midd1323 Middle Great Andamanese Great Andamanese
cire1239 Mid-East Sundanese Austronesian
mila1243 Milanese Indo-European
minb1244 Min Bei Chinese Sino-Tibetan
mind1253 Min Dong Chinese Sino-Tibetan
minn1241 Min Nan Chinese Sino-Tibetan
minz1235 Min Zhong Chinese Sino-Tibetan
mira1251 Mirandese Indo-European
mixe1288 Mixed Great Andamanese Great Andamanese
mode1251 Modern Javanese Austronesian
moki1238 Mokilese Austronesian
mort1237 Mortlockese Austronesian
mort1238 Mortlockese-Trukese Austronesian
mwes1235 Mwesen Austronesian
naha1266 Naha (Nese) Austronesian
namb1295 Nambu (Japanese) Japonic
nava1242 Navarrese Indo-European
ndes1238 Ndese Central Sudanic
nefa1235 Nefamese Pidgin
nepa1250 Nepalese Sign Language Sign Language
nese1235 Nese Austronesian
newc1244 New Caledonian Javanese Austronesian
mese1243 Niguessen (Mese) Atlantic-Congo
nort3276 North Andamanese-Akakede Great Andamanese
nort3418 North Central Desert Auxiliary Sign Sign Language
nort3420 North Central Desert Sign Sign Language
nort3141 North-Central Lebanese Arabic Afro-Asiatic
nort3412 North Coast Sundanese Austronesian
nort2612 Northern Calabrese-Lucano Indo-European
nort3155 Northern Chinese Sino-Tibetan
nort3338 Northern Chinese Sign Language Sign Language
nort2678 Northern Great Andamanese Great Andamanese
nort2610 Northern Logudorese Indo-European
nort2683 Northern Vietnamese Austroasiatic
nort3140 North Lebanese Arabic Afro-Asiatic
nova1239 Novarese Lombard Indo-European
nucl1478 Nuclear Puluwatese Austronesian
nuor1238 Nuorese Indo-European
oldb1235 Old Burmese Sino-Tibetan
oldc1244 Old Chinese Sino-Tibetan
oldj1239 Old Japanese Japonic
oldp1257 Old Portuguese Indo-European
sund1255 Old Sundanese Austronesian
pelo1238 Peloponnese Indo-European
piem1238 Piemontese Indo-European
piem1239 Piemontese-Lombard Indo-European
ping1243 Pingelapese Austronesian
poll1238 Pollapese Austronesian
port1290 Port Maltese Afro-Asiatic
port1283 Portuguese Indo-European
port1294 Portuguese-based pidgin Pidgin
port1238 Portuguese Calão Indo-European
port1277 Portuguese Sign Language Sign Language
pugl1238 Pugliese Indo-European
pula1265 Pulapese Austronesian
pulu1243 Pulusukese Austronesian
pulu1242 Puluwatese Austronesian
pulu1244 Puluwatese-Pollapese Austronesian
puxi1243 Pu-Xian Chinese Sino-Tibetan
gree1277 Pyrgos-Peloponnese Romani Indo-European
renn1236 Rennellese Sign Language Artificial Language
ronc1236 Roncalese Basque
rota1237 Rotanese Chamorro Austronesian
rura1250 Rural Central Maltese Afro-Asiatic
rura1251 Rural East Maltese Afro-Asiatic
rura1249 Rural West Maltese Afro-Asiatic
samm1243 Sammarinese Indo-European
sass1235 Sassarese Sardinian Indo-European
sata1237 Satawalese Austronesian
sata1238 Satawalese-Carolinian Austronesian
sema1270 Semarang (Central Javanese) Austronesian
sera1273 Serang Sundanese Austronesian
sese1244 Sese Atlantic-Congo
sese1245 Sese (Gumuz) Gumuz
sese1246 Seselwa Creole French Indo-European
shan1293 Shanghainese Sino-Tibetan
siam1241 Siamese Tai-Kadai
sikk1242 Sikkimese Sino-Tibetan
sons1243 Sonsorolese Austronesian
sope1239 Sopese Teberan
sout3121 South-Central Lebanese Arabic Afro-Asiatic
sout2609 Southern Aragonese Indo-European
shan1269 Southern Chinese Sign Language Sign Language
sout2689 Southern Nicobarese Austroasiatic
sout2687 Southern Vietnamese Austroasiatic
sout2683 South Great Andamanese Great Andamanese
sout3122 South Lebanese Arabic Afro-Asiatic
suda1237 South Sudanese Creole Arabic Afro-Asiatic
sout3410 South Sudanese Sign Language Sign Language
sout2614 Southwestern Logudorese Indo-European
stan1302 Standard Assamese Indo-European
stan1323 Standard Lebanese Arabic Afro-Asiatic
stan1322 Standard Maltese Afro-Asiatic
suda1236 Sudanese Arabic Afro-Asiatic
suda1235 Sudanese-Chadian Arabic Afro-Asiatic
sund1252 Sundanese Austronesian
suri1275 Surinamese Creole English Indo-European
suri1276 Surinamese Lokono Arawakan
tang1385 Tangerang Sundanese Austronesian
tank1239 Tanka Cantonese Sino-Tibetan
tese1238 Tese Temeinic
tici1238 Ticinese Indo-European
tois1237 Toishanese Sino-Tibetan
tums1237 Tumshuqese Indo-European
turi1245 Turinese Indo-European
unun9953 Unclassified Lolo-Burmese Sino-Tibetan
uppe1458 Upper Guinea Portuguese Indo-European
vanc1237 Vancouver Cantonese Sino-Tibetan
yila1234 Vernacular Atayalic Japanese Japonic
viet1252 Vietnamese Austroasiatic
viet1253 Vietnamese Sign Sign Language
vogh1238 Vogherese-Pavese Indo-European
wese1237 Weser Frisian Indo-European
west2592 West-Central Mese Nuclear Trans New Guinea
west2340 Western Aragonese Indo-European
west2383 Western Assamese Indo-European
west2345 Western Campidanese Indo-European
west2939 Western Desert Egyptian Arabic Afro-Asiatic
west2607 Western Japanese Japonic
west1508 Western Low Navarrese Basque
west2773 Western Sudanese Afro-Asiatic
west2565 West Javanese Austronesian
wuch1236 Wu Chinese Sino-Tibetan
wuhu1234 Wu-Hui Chinese Sino-Tibetan
xian1251 Xiang Chinese Sino-Tibetan
yape1248 Yapese Austronesian
yuec1235 Yue Chinese Sino-Tibetan